Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Fyi. Looks as though all my pics from my old reviews are gone. It HAS been six years since I did them. I'll work on replacing them when I get some time. I will also add a couple new reviews. I have actually bought a couple new yo-yo's since 2008 :-)


IronYoYo said...

Hello my name is zachery larios. me and a few kids from yoyo would like to join your yoyo club because, there isn't many kids around that do it and we would like to show that the yoyo is more than just a spool attached to a string, more than just up and down, and we would like to show the world how to make the simple amazing.

IronYoYo said...

So if you want to talk go to and look for IronYoYo and we can talk about things.

IronYoYo said...

heatbut you might need to make a profile.

Yo-yo karma said...

I just created a profile @ yoyo expert. User name is yoyokarma

Yo-yo karma said...

We would love to have you and your friends join the club. Let me know if I can provide any further info. Check back to the blog as I will be updating it as often as needed to get the club going.